Friday, August 6, 2010

Registrations Complete!!!

After many friends had nagged and nagged and nagged we FINALLY created our Wedding Registries. It was actually fun creating was like shopping without spending any money. :-) People are a bit upset that we didn't put a notice of our registration locations in our wedding announcements, but everything I read told me that it was not "proper." Everything I read recommended that we announce our registration on our website and through word-of-mouth.

So... here is our online notification...

We have registered at Target and through Pampered Chef.
Our Pampered Chef consultant is Carrie Johnson and her website is

I think those are the only two places we are registering... Sara says that gift cards for Lowes (definitely NOT Home Depot) are always appreciated so that we could do some home repairs and improvements. She desperately wanted to register at Lowes, but the local store doesn't have the equipment to do so. I told her I would put the word out, so there it is. :-)

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