Sunday, March 21, 2010

Supporting Gay-owned Businesses

Well ... there is a bit of progress on the wedding front. Hooray!

We have written two different lesbian women who own businesses - one is a photographer and one designs jewlery. We have written emails expressing our interest. I have talked on the blog before about the photographer. We have just been in contact via email before, but we want to meet in person to discuss a bit further to see if she is the right photographer for us.

As for the rings, we saw a design by Jude Sharp that we like. You can view her jewelry at . She makes custom jewelry. I like that idea because then others will not have the same design as we will.

With all the close-mindedness we have already dealt with, we are excited to support gay-owned businesses!!!

I will keep you all posted... I took a bit of a break from wedding planning, but I'm back to business!!!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I will never understand...

Every bone in my body wants to scream! I refuse to change my wedding date. I refuse to let individuals ruin my wedding day. I will not let it happen.

I received a text message today... Sara's mother is definitely not going to be coming to the wedding - she has made other plans for the day. This is Sara's special day! Would she be doing this if Sara was marrying a man?! I don't know if Sara's father or brother are coming...

Why is it so hard to understand that Sara and I are getting married?? Why is it so hard to understand that we are having a wedding that is just like any other heterosexual couple???

I want so much to say swear words in this email, but I'm doing my best to keep that under control....

Sara deserves to be able to have a special day. She should be able to have her PARENTS at the wedding! Why?! WHY???

I will never understand...